Immortal Episode

Eternal President of DPRK

It was one day in mid-July 1994.

When an issue of readjusting some of the state power organ system was under discussion, Chairman Kim Jong Il proposed officials to abolish the president system in the constitution.

The officials were surprised because they were going to elect Kim Jong Il president of the state soon in accordance with the unanimous desire of all people of the country.

Saying that Kim Il Sung was the first President of the DPRK who was elected by the unanimous will and absolute support of all Korean people and that the president is immediately Kim Il Sung in the DPRK, the Chairman told them that foreign people over the world also admired Kim Il Sung by calling him the President with respect and intimacy, adding that the word president is combined closely with Kim Il Sung’s august name and it is kept deep in minds of the DPRK people, the whole Korean nation and the world people.

The Chairman said that it was necessary to make the august name of the President, dear to the world people, recorded forever in the history of the country and have the word president remind the posterities of the DPRK of President Kim Il Sung. He said that he decided to propose to hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the eternal President of the DPRK for all ages, so that his august name could remain forever along with the title of president in history of the country.

As a result, the title of the DPRK President could be combined only with his august name Kim Il Sung, who is the father of socialist Korea and the founder and leader of the DPRK.


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